Are Motherboard Standoffs Necessary?

As soon as you start researching how to build a PC, you’ll learn about the intricate components you once took for granted. Manufacturers have really put a lot of time and effort into building computers, which is surely reflected in their price.
As someone who is building their machine, you’ll need to take these details into account. Plenty of people wonder and ask "Are motherboard standoffs necessary?", and the answer is yes, for many reasons.
Compared to the hardware in your machine, standoffs might appear to be unimportant, but they’re one of the most critical parts of the rig.
What Are Standoffs?
In case you’ve never heard of standoffs before, we’ll first explain what they are before getting into why they’re a necessity.
Standoffs are usually constructed out of brass or plastic in the shape of a screw. When you purchase your motherboard or your computer case, either (or both) will come with these screws. It is your responsibility to ensure they are installed accurately to protect the integrity of your machine.

Most people who build their PCs will have specific configurations and placements for all of their hardware. This is when the standoffs come into play, as they allow you to safely install your peripherals so that they are not coming in contact with one another. However, your motherboard is the most important component that requires standoffs.
The Importance of Motherboard Standoffs
The main thing to really take note of when asking "Are motherboard standoffs necessary?" is that they prevent your motherboard from shorting out. They also keep it from shorting the other components of your PC.
Remember, all of your peripherals constantly have electricity running through them, and if the soldered parts of your motherboard come in contact with another metal piece, it will create a short. This will inevitably damage the components beyond repair.
Another danger associated with not using standoffs is an electrical fire, and this will be one of the most noticeable hazards when it comes to building a PC. When all of your components are installed, and your PC is turned on, you’ll immediately hear popping, notice sparks, or smell burning. At this point, you’ll need to unplug your computer and inspect all of your hardware for damage.
You’ll also find standoffs are incredibly useful for giving your peripherals more breathing room. As they are designed to keep the motherboard elevated, there will be a sufficient amount of heat dissipation. This, in turn, helps to take pressure off the fans or cooling system and the other components inside of the case.
How to Install Motherboard Standoffs
Even though standoffs appear to be a bunch of useless screws at the beginning, they’re essential. Knowing how to install them is the first step to protecting your investment as well as creating a safe environment for your motherboard and connected hardware.
Step One: Decide on a Configuration
Before you install anything, you’ll first need to create a plan of where you want everything to go. When you inspect the inside of your computer case, you’ll notice there are a ton of threaded holes on the sides. This is where your standoffs will need to go.
It’s imperative that you use the screws that came with your motherboard, as they are specifically designed for its form factor (size). Then, take your motherboard and gently fit it into the computer case to figure out where you’d like it to be installed.
Once you find the ideal positioning, use a felt-tipped marker to draw a mark on each screw hole you’re going to use. You can then remove the motherboard.
Step Two: Secure the Standoffs
It’s highly recommended that you use pliers to make sure you’re attaching the standoffs securely. Otherwise, your motherboard can fall out of place and inadvertently touch another component.
You’ll also want to avoid using adhesives, such as glue, to keep them in place. If you find that the standoffs aren’t fitting in the threaded holes, contact your motherboard’s manufacturer for additional screws.

Step Three: Fit the Motherboard
Place the motherboard back inside of the computer case and make sure that all of the holes line up with your standoffs. Once everything fits perfectly, start to tighten down the first screw.
Your motherboard is incredibly delicate, and as such, you don’t want to force the screws in. Another tip is not to use magnetic screwdrivers, as magnets and computer parts don’t mix well.
If all goes to plan and your standoffs fit perfectly into the holes, you’re ready to start attaching the other components to the motherboard. Gently test the standoffs to ensure the board isn’t going to shift or falter.
Final Thoughts
Every part of your PC is designed with impeccable attention to detail. With that being said, even the smallest components play a big part.
Before you ask, are motherboard standoffs necessary, remember that every item that comes with your hardware is essential. Standoffs help to prevent electrical fires, irreparable damage to your peripherals and promote a healthier computing environment. By following these tips, you should be able to install them easily, securely, and accurately.